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AFTER THREE YEARS, MUPEDZANHAMO’S DOORS ARE SET TO BE SWUNG OPEN. . . vendors, SMEs urged to register at district offices

Mangaliso Kabulika HARARE’S Mupedzanhamo flea market is set to reopen after being closed for three years for  renovations. The market’s closure was also due to Covid-19, with renovations, which began after the pandemic, causing an additional year of delay. Harare City Council is urging vendors and  […]

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Two months no water

Talent Gore HARARE deputy mayor Kudzai Kadzombe, has said that the city has been facing serious service delivery challenges, particularly with water, as Ward 41 has gone without water for two months.  Water quality at Lake Chivero has worsened, with engineers stating that a consignment of water  […]

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Cholera spreads

Talent Gore CHOLERA continues to spread with 50 new cases in Chitungwiza on Friday and 29 cases on Saturday. Medical and Dental Private Practitioners Association of Zimbabwe president, Dr Johannes Marisa, blamed poor water infrastructure and lack of sanitation funding for the ongoing crisis, and  […]

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Mambo Dhuterere down with depression

Maria Chiguvari MOST musicians have silently battled mental health, putting on happy faces for the rest of the world. But things took another turn when gospel musician Mambo Dhuterere shared that he was mentally, emotionally and spiritually depressed. The musician revealed that he has been turning  […]

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Devolution to get more funding

Herald Reporter The Zanu PF Government will ensure that all projects started under the Second Republic will be completed on time and also accelerate the modernisation and industrialisation of rural areas, President Mnangagwa said. The President added that rural areas will be prioritised in terms of  […]

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CANCER PATIENT ABANDONED AT LOCAL HOSPITAL FOR 13 MONTHS. . . Claims family members have left him to die. . .Father’s relatives claim he has a bad odour

Gamuchirai Bhachi A 37-year-old man, who has been admitted at a local hospital for 13 months with anal cancer, says his relatives have abandoned him and left him to die. He has been stuck at the hospital since August last year. Admire Matetakufa, from Mazowe, says he is in desperate need of food  […]

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President hails Zim-Sino ties

Zvamaida Murwira Senior Reporter CHINA has been the main anchor of major economic milestones that the Second Republic has registered including the construction of the iconic, magnificent and imposing new Parliament building in Mount Hampden on the outskirts of Harare, President Mnangagwa has said.  […]

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‘PROBABLY THE BEST WIFE IN THE WORLD’…Reverend Mukahanana’s widow praised for refusing to condemn late cheating husband…Reverend Mukahanana’s widow praised for refusing to condemn late cheating husband

Latwell Nyangu THE widow of United Methodist Church leader, Reverend Oscar Mukahanana, is being hailed as a MODEL wife. Emma Mukahanana was thrust into the spotlight after her husband killed himself rather than face the shame of his adulterous affair with an unknown member of the church. The  […]

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