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EDITORIAL COMMENT: Council attitudes will make devolution work

Devolution, and in particular to move an ever-increasing percentage of the national capital budget to local authorities to decide spending priorities, has made a major difference to lives of many Zimbabweans. But there have also been problems of misuse of funds, as the Auditor General’s report on  […]

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EDITORIAL COMMENT: Railways rehab, expansion plan will transform industry

The growing need to restore the National Railways of Zimbabwe to full operational status is now being attended to with the African Export Import Bank prepared to lend US$115 million to initiate the process. The railways are not dead. They still move 2,3 million tonnes of cargo a year, but this is a  […]

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EDITORIAL COMMENT: Time Kamambo gave football a chance

IN their payoff line, world football governing body FIFA say “For the Game, For the World’’ which is inspired by the power and global reach of this sport that transcends cultural, racial and religious barriers and has the power to unite the world. For Zimbabwe, football remains the country’s  […]

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EDITORIAL COMMENT: We must keep new thinking when sanctions go

WHILE there can be no doubt that sanctions caused a great deal of damage to Zimbabwe and the economic wellbeing of all Zimbabweans, the advent of the Second Republic and the pro-growth strategies introduced also show that adversity can be the mother of invention and innovation. Today, Zimbabwe has  […]

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EDITORIAL COMMENT: Cholera can be defeated, we have to act responsibly

The present cholera outbreak in Zimbabwe broke out just over six months ago and despite some major efforts to finish off the chains of infection it is still with us, although the public health efforts have cut infection and death rates. Almost every year there is the odd case reported from  […]

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EDITORIAL COMMENT: Effective campaign against drugs can now be reinforced

Successes are now being notched up in the war on drugs with the raids on four major distribution centres over the past week and the arrest of 36 dealers with the confiscation of their drugs, but obviously we have a long way to go. The week also saw the arrest of 432 users and here […]Original post  […]

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EDITORIAL COMMENT: Sanctions will be defeated by pragmatism

When sanctions were applied against Zimbabwe a little over 20 years ago without the authority of the United Nations Security Council, the only issuer of a legal sanctions order and even then only when there is a threat to world peace, the intention was to bring Zimbabwe to its knees. Those using  […]

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Survivor shares breast cancer journey

Elita Chikwati Features Editor She is prepared to tell her story to the world so she can help others fight breast cancer. Having survived breast cancer, 37-year-old Margaret Mafuka of Harare, is overcome with sadness each time someone dies of cancer. She is a living testimony that death can be  […]

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EDITORIAL COMMENT: Motor trade finances need a good clean-up

The need to regulate and monitor the motor industry and its associated trading has been seen for many years, and now the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has added its weight to the calls for regulation. The FIU is concerned about the vast amount of cash dealing in that  […]

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Ngidlaliswe amatope mina?

@ JAMWANDA2 ON SATURDAY Reading Edward Gibbon Where is God bakithi? Edward Gibbon is no writer for easy readers. Yet he is so important to Britain’s governing myth. No wonder why every British-born Prime Minister has to have read him. I can’t vouch for Premier Sunaki, even though I aspire to scale  […]

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EDITORIAL COMMENT: Football authorities need to share goals

THE past month has highlighted the problems that football development faces when authorities do not have shared goals. Football administrators have attracted negative headlines that could easily have been avoided if they actually sat behind the scenes and planned as a team for the betterment of the  […]

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EDITORIAL COMMENT: Probe CCC foreign funding allegations

Once again the main opposition movement or movements in Zimbabwe are rocked with internal power struggles and splits, with Parliamentarians being recalled, and leaders firing each other with zero support or backing from the non-existent structures. The latest round of allegations involves a lot  […]

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EDITORIAL COMMENT: Harare water woes need long-term action

The appointment of a team of 19 technical experts to liaise with Harare City Council over the very poor water supplies in Harare Metropolitan, and the dedication of one of the Government borehole rigs to the province to continue the programme of emergency boreholes must produce some results to  […]

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EDITORIAL COMMENT: Better controls will nip car import facility abuse

It is staggering to find that over the last four years at least 2 000 civil servants abused the special rebate scheme allowing them to import a motor vehicle without paying customs duty. They are not benefiting, or going to benefit, from this abuse as the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission has  […]

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EDITORIAL COMMENT: ZETDC tariff increase request must be examined very carefully

THE application for a 20 percent increase in power tariffs, to an average of US12c for a kilowatt hour, by the Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) may well be justified considering the rising cost of power from generating companies. The application, to the Zimbabwe  […]

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@Jamwanda2 on Saturday: Back on heritage; head in Maryland!

@Jamwanda2 on Saturday Our Americas  I am reading Jose Marti’s essay, Our America. Reading it for the umpteenth time. It continues to speak to me with the freshness and forcefulness of a newly penned piece. Yet the angry essay, written by this Cuban revolutionary, was written in the late 19th  […]

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EDITORIAL COMMENT: Football conversations key in curbing hooliganism

THE Sunday News Football Indaba held in Bulawayo yesterday with the theme ‘Tackling Football Violence to Ensure Social Cohesion’ is one of the important initiatives that should be promoted and supported by all in the football industry.  The indaba brought together stakeholders from different  […]

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EDITORIAL COMMENT: Critics should check facts before throwing dirt

There is, in several quarters, an assumption that anything the Zimbabwe Government does must be of evil intent simply because they loathe Zanu PF, the party forming the Government, is unfortunate.  It is more disturbing when there is no need to check facts, but just publish twisted versions and  […]

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